Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter is one of the greatest holidays the weather is so nice and family is always near! My nieces and nephews are always so cute and I love that it is a time to reflect on the atonement. Mostly this Easter has given me so much hope! Hope in the Savior that He lives and loves me. I can feel His presence in my life everyday. He has given me so many blessings and things to be grateful for! In the last 2 years my life has changed so much from the time I met my husband and we were married In God's temple to now having our beautiful baby girl come into our life! I can't help but think all this joy and happiness in my life is because of my dear redeemer. He payed the price so that I don't have to. My family is sealed forever now because of His great work and mission here on earth! I am forever in debt to my Father in Heaven and his son.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The husband

So I'm pretty sure that husbands are one of the greatest creations to man kind at least mine is. He seriously is such a loving, caring and sensitive man! Through out this crazy time of my hormones acting all haywire I have notices that Brennan has so much patience with me. Sometimes I have ridiculous moments that only he could ever possibly handle and still love and look at me the same. My love for him grows everyday. He has blessed me with so much. My whole life I have always wanted to be a wife and being his wife is better than any of my dreams. He is now making me a mother and helping me step into the unknown territory of raising our beautiful girl and I know without a doubt he will alway be an awesome husband and an even better father! He makes everyday bright and my eternity so joyful! Pretty much to sum it all up my life is wonderful because I married my best friend who will always be by my side making me a better person than I ever thought possible!

Friday, March 29, 2013


So I'm going to post a lot about this pregnancy I'm sure just so I have the memories. Today I met with the midwife who will be delivering my baby and mercy gilbert hospital and it was seriously the best experience ever!!! I couldn't be happier!! I think this is going to be the best decision for me and my little girl! This week baby girl has decided she is going to kick my bladder like crazy meaning mom has to use the restroom ever 30 minutes. When I'm sleeping she wakes me with the startling huge kick meaning she must want me up. Other fun news I have heart burn like crazy! Seriously 24/7 and my baby bump is finally here I couldn't be more happier. Last week was the first time anyone has ever commented on my bump and asked when I was due and funny thing was I was in the ER waiting to see what was going in with Brennan's Collar bone!! So I guess I started showing at 22 weeks and I'm now 24 weeks a whole 6 months of making this little girl:) time is flying!! She means everything to me! I always thought I new what love was and I always thought I had a lot of love to give! Well I was wrong this little princess has taught me more about love than I ever knew possible. I now realize I have more love to give and my heart is much bigger than I ever knew! She isn't even here yet but ohh is she making a huge impact! This girl is going to change the world for so many and I can't wait to watch her grow!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Poor Brennan

My sweet husband had a very interesting spring break to say the least! The other night he was playing softball and fell leading to a very horrible break on his collar bone leading to a very unpleasant surgery. So for the past week I have been able to serve my husband and try to take care of him the best I could. For the last couple months he has done an awesome job taking care of me through out this pregnancy so it's been nice to do a little for him. He is incredibly amazing and never complains about pain! I am nothing like him! After surgery he was so funny! I was taking him home and locked our crazy dog, Lakota outside before he came in so she wouldn't jump on him. She gets to excited and loves us to much she can't help but say hi and get all crazy! When we walked in the house and she was so upset to be outside she was scratching and barking like crazy trying to get in. Brennan told me that she was missing a couple screws and was crazy and maybe he could give her some of his now that he had some in his collar bone. It was seriously cracking me up!! The main thing about this whole experience in trying to look for the good in all things even if it is a broken bone is that my husband and I depend on each other and The Lord in all things! Sometimes we may not exactly know what The Lord has in store for us but as we rely on each other and The Lord we can become stronger better people that love Him even with something like a broken Collar bone!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

our little girl!

Brennan and I are sooo over joyed to be having a sweet, beautiful baby girl! I never knew the power this little girl could have on my life.  She isn't even here yet and I can already tell I am forever changed by her.  My very existence has much more meaning.  The other day I read something that went like this... God's greatest gift to men is eternal life and His second greatest gift He gives to us is His children.  I feel so blessed to be receiving one of His children.  The responsibility is one I accept full heartily and I know at times I will feel overwhelmed, inadequate and even maybe I will feel like the task of motherhood is just not meant for me, but I also know without a doubt that before this life The Lord prepared me for this important time and role in my life and He has been preparing me everyday since and I can be a wonderful mother with His help! I wish that my baby girl could know how much I love her but I  don't  think she ever truly will until the day, many years from now when she makes her way into motherhood.  I remember growing up my mother would tell me everyday how much she loves me and I always knew she did but I don't think I ever truly understood the extent of her love until now as I feel my baby moving and living inside me. There really is nothing like a mother's love.  I feel so blessed that I get to carry this strong role in the Nansel family!  And I am so thankful for the example of my own mother to show me the way and still help teach and guide me as I step into one of the greatest chapters of my life! My baby girl is going to be one seriously loved child and she will have so many amazing examples in her life! Ahhhh I just cannot wait to be holding her in my arms!!!