Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Brielle and the chiropractor

So Brielle went to the chiropractor yesterday and I am pretty sure it was really great for her!! She seems much happier now that she was adjusted. She had one side that defiantly needed some help. We toilet her to Dr. Ross and he was amazing with her. He talked to her like she was a real person and I swear she was listening. It was just so crazy to know that the rest of forever this little girl will be in mine and her daddy's care forever. We are soo excited to help her grow to her greatest potential!! We love you so much Brielle Elaine!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Little miss

Little girl you love to stay awake with mommy whenever you can! You love it when I hold you close and we just lay around! No one else can comfort you quite like I can and I feel very privileged to have the great title of being your mother! You will never know how much I really love you how tired I can be but I can't fall asleep because I would rather stare at you and all your perfection! You are the most beautiful creation and I love you oh so very much! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The greatest things about Brielle

Brielle is 13 days old today and she pretty much is amazing! She loves to eat and loves to sleep(during the day) she can roll on both her side. She can pretty much support her own head and is so strong! She can kick a tight wrap off if she wants and if her arms are ever wrapped up she is sure to set those free. She loves to move her arms! Her cry is soo cute it sounds like a hiccup and is so low! She has the prettiest eyes that look just like her daddy's not to mention a head that matched his as well! She loves to be held but won't cry when I put her down to sleep! Her ears are so tiny and pinned down so close to her head I love it! Her hair is so light and we will have to wait for it to grow in a bit! Sadly she has both her mother and he father's eyebrows, which is no eyebrows(sorry Brielle) she has cute dimples when she smiles, dimples on her back like her mommy and even dimples on her bum! She is beautiful in every way and has so much personality in her expressions. She has a scowl that says a million words and the best part of her is, she is mine forever and I plan on enjoying ever moment of her!

Friday, August 2, 2013


Today Brielle is one week old which I can't believe and I still need to write her birth story!! Seriously this has been the fastest week of my life and I'm pretty sad about it since I have a feeling that's how her life is going to go! I have to learn to enjoy and soak up each moment with her! She is seriously the greatest blessing of all time! I really thought I knew what love was and now I realize I had no real clue! The first time I held her I felt like my definition of love was so wrong this whole time! She has given me an even deep ability to love and it is something unexplainable! There is nothing like holding your child in your arms and knowing you helped create such a beautiful person! The temple has never meant more to me than it does now! My small little family is forever! No other truth brings me quite as much comfort and happiness! Motherhood is so Devine and I am so blessed to be a part of this great plan and to raise my daughter in righteousness!! I love you Brielle like no one else ever will!