Monday, February 10, 2014

Elle's first time at the playground 02/10/14

Firstly, I would like to say how I really want Brielle to be known as Elle. It has been my intention since the beginning to call her that so now I am starting to! Anyways so on Saturday we were lucky enoug to go to the park to celebrate Elle's cousins birthday, Jordan. He was turning 6. (Holy he is getting big!) so Brielle was able to play on the playground with some assistance of course! She started on the little swings. 
We had to keep her smokey in or she would try to eat the swing.., can you say eww... Gross!! I don't thing the baby swing gave her and such thrill! 
I think the slide was a little more her style. She would make the cutest face going down! It surprised her a couple times to dip down so fast! She loved it! 
She wasn't that impressed with the big kid swings either but since her daddy enjoys doing crazy "tricks" with her all the time that involve flips and being thrown in the air I can't imagine swings being to interesting either! Overall the park was a success. My baby is an outside baby for sure! She hates staying inside all day! Once she starts walking I'm in trouble though because she will be my on the go crazy crazy baby!! 

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